Published on 14/10/2020
VIH (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), enn virus ki affecter to systeme immunitaire a la long paski, li attak ban cellule ki aide protège to lecorps.
Li enn virus ki tansmet par ban fluid comme; dusang, semen, fluide vaginal et dulait maternelle. HIV kapav transmet par rapport sexuelle anal, vaginal ek oral (chance tres minim) aussi.
HIV pas kapav survivre longtemps en dehors lecorps alors li pas transmet par enn pikire moustik, enn bizu, enn calin ou partaz mem toilet.
Pena guerrison pou HIV mais, ena prevention. Par exemple; pas partaz seringe, limit nombre de partnaire sexuelle, servi preservatif (Zom, Fam), ou servi ban medicament comme PrEp (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) ki enn preventif ki empess VIH repan dan to lecorps ou PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) apres 72h temps ki to pense tone kapav affecter.
Dimoun kapav vivre avec SIDA (ban syndrome ki to gagner paski to system immunitaire ine degrader par HIV) si zot pren zot medicament ek suivre ban precaution. Enn mama positive kapav ggne so zanfan negative a HIV. Si enn dimounn pren so tretman kuma bizin, li pas pou develop SIDA. So systeme immunitaire pas degrade.
PILS a moris fer ban depistage, partage PrEp gratis ek anonym pu population. Zot situe a Port Louis Ek kapav contacter zot lor 2107044 ou 8999
Nou apran vivre ensam sans oken zisman.
Hi! My name is Yaminee Hoolash.
I believe life should be filled with a constant of "i am going on an adventure" moments. Exploring new places. Meeting new people. Being crazy, letting your self appreciate the little things that gives you peace or gets your energy level up up up. You are always welcome to join into my ventures or invite me to yours. Here you can take a peek of my adventures