Published on 23/05/2020
It’s been three years since I participated in the first edition of Tropica dingue. It undeniably remains one of the craziest outdoor event I’ve ever been to.
Tropica Dingue is an annual adventurous experience where people come in teams each disguised as any character to express their “craziness, madness and foufoufou” and partake in the obstacles along a race track. Starts at Mon Trésor sugar factory along the Le Chaland beach to return back to Mon Trésor. Topica Dingue is an approximately a 10km of ‘laisse toi aller’ parkour with no competition or whatsoever but just tons of crazy fun.
The warm up starts with a zumba dance with everyone unleashing their madness. You actually take this time to appreciate others costumes and take pictures with them. Then after, you start according to your batch and wave you are allocated to.
During which you get wet, dirty and foamy. Jump into muddy water, crawl on the sand or Giant slide through the finish line. No matter how many times I mention crazy in this post, it will never be enough to describe this event.
After having dressed up as pirates for the first time, we dressed as Construction workers during the second edition and named our team the ‘Kamkarwas’, which means ‘hard workers’ in Mauritian Bhojpuri. Having crossed the finishing line, you are given a goodie bag with a finisher shirt. Having freshen up and wore the new shirt, you already start talking about the disguise for the next edition. Tropica Dingue remains one of the most awaited event for me.
Hi! My name is Yaminee Hoolash.
I believe life should be filled with a constant of "i am going on an adventure" moments. Exploring new places. Meeting new people. Being crazy, letting your self appreciate the little things that gives you peace or gets your energy level up up up. You are always welcome to join into my ventures or invite me to yours. Here you can take a peek of my adventures